A little about myself...

Welcome, my name Is Stephanie. I'm a girl Boss, creating a life for my little family doing the things I love. I am a hairstylist for over 25 years. I co-own an event styling, and planning company. I am a professional  photographer. I have a brain that is in constant create mode. I love to do so many crafts like stained glass, sewing, scapebooking, painting, 3d printing, wood working, building, and so many more. All of my careers really come full circle to support the each other. A bonus to it all for me my crafts really tie in so well to them as well.

I decided to create a page on my site to share my recommendations for products, and tips on things I've created, and co-created, and about styling, decorating, and crafting.

I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for checking out my space. i appreciate the support.